Enhance your cloud

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Origami UI
  • "If you aren't sure, always go for Origami. We can't understand how we've been living without it. Origami is the perfect solution for our business. I will recommend it to my colleagues."

    Gary Page, CEO

Simple solutions for complex businesses

Running a business is tricky.
Your app doesn’t have to be.

  • Web & mobile apps icon
    Web & mobile apps

    Make and run your web and portable applications' backends with ease and quick speed.

  • Website hosting icon
    Website hosting

    Effectively and dependably host a site for your business while keeping unlimited oversight of the whole tech.

  • Streaming icon

    We give the blend of adaptable compute layers with low-transmission capacity evaluating that make assembling a web-based feature simple for your engineers.

  • Gaming icon

    Assemble your game on Origami with adaptable register alternatives and low-data transfer capacity estimating that will permit you to scale your game as quick as you need.

  • Big data icon
    Big data

    Run both clump and streaming big data responsibilities. Gain important bits of knowledge that assist with illuminating business drives, further develop your client experience, and drive business development.

  • Managed services icon
    Managed services

    Send and coordinate any sort of oversaw administration – including SaaS, PaaS, DBaaS, and API – utilizing our designer agreeable cloud stage.

  • For agencies and web dev shops icon
    For agencies and web dev shops

    By giving a mix of adaptable register layers with low valuing, we engage you to make all the more impressive sites and applications for your customers at a lower cost than other cloud suppliers.

  • SaaS Solutions icon
    SaaS Solutions

    With adaptable register choices joined with a large group of different devices – including Managed Databases and Kubernetes – you can fabricate your SaaS precisely how you need while saving money on facilitating costs.

  • Startups icon

    We guarantee your cloud bills are unsurprising and reasonable, while giving your business a scope of amazing register choices and systems administration instruments that will scale with your business.

Looking to migrate to Origami?

Get free foundation credits, powerful preparing, and specialized help to guarantee an effortless movement.